Monday 1 June 2015

Blog Post #6 Selfie Stick to the Basics

Ah selfies, a way to share pictures of yourself or just keep them to admire. I personally didn't know the number of selfies being taken per day beforehand, but it actually surprises me how many are being taken. Per day roughly just, I dunno 1 million are taken, no biggie, just a little bit of selfies taken,... just a little bit.

I don't take selfies very often, mainly because I don't like having to stretch my arm out to take a picture of myself I'm never gonna show anyone. But of course you can take selfies in public, where everyone can see take them. While you're at it might as well use that selfie stick! Oh wait, according to the Pizza Hut video it's a hazard, so let's not use it.

I don't know if you can tell, but i am using quite the bit of sarcasm in the last part of my last paragraph towards my views of selfies and selfie sticks. I don't know why anyone would extend their stick to the point where it would be a hazard to anyone, I don't really care if they are banned or not, but I think for a small thing where it would only be dangerous in a crowd, banning selfie sticks would be ridiculous. But there are some reasons why they should be banned in certain places, such as how they were banned in many museums. BBC covers some reasons why there were banned here. A main reason I see it being banned in museums and art galleries, would be it seems to be distractions from the art, but I don't see anything wrong with using a selfie stick, other than the fact in itself that you are using a selfie stick.